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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by SeanJG »

sean here

been into hayden since i was 14? an ex made me a mix tape with we dont mind on it, so i guess that was 96?

really stoked on the new lp

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by robbroncs »

I'm Robb from NJ, USA....I'm a music junkie with an entire room filled with LPs, CDs & Cassettes.

It was 1996 when I saw the cover to Everything I Long For. It was featured in the $9.99 rack at Tower Records. Something about the cover spoke to me. I was 19 and still living with that father-leaving-angst. Since then i've gotten over it. but back then, that cover meant something to me. something I longed for. So I purchased it. and listened non-stop.

I listened so much that I put down my drum sticks and bought a $75 acoustic guitar. I learned almost every song on that record. and that continued through Moving Careful and The Closer I Get....those records were much easier to learn before Hayden really got his chops up.

I remember scouring the internet when I read that his new release was going to be issued to 100 hand-written copies. Unfortunately, being in the States that was damn near impossible to pick up. even sadder that it became my favorite record by him, Skyscraper National Park. I just picked up the vinyl though. It looks/sounds lovely. I'm kinda pissed that I bailed on the recently discovered spared 10" copies of the EP that were found. i just saw him last week and have been listening to my CDs in my car since. while listening, I remembered my EP is scratched to shit.

I still buy all the records and study them intently. I can easily place him in my all time top ten.

He has had the worst timing........I was supposed to see him with The Hip. but school work got in the way. I still have the tickets. I was supposed to also see him last year, but I was home with the flu, I still have the tickets.

I have seen him 3 other times though. once in 2003-2004ish he did a solo show at Maxwell's. I approached him after the show explaining that his first record made me learn the guitar and turned me into the musician I am today.

I could have approached him a bunch of times last week. It was a small venue, he even had to wait on line for the toilets. But I didn't want to "bother" him.

I will forever be grateful for his recordings. and I hope he never stops.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by kaleb.breaux »

hi, i'm kaleb. i discovered hayden's music during a summer break during high school in the mid-90s. growing up in rural southwest louisiana we didn't have much, including exposure to good music. during this particular summer my parents purchased some sort of dish so we were able to get mtv. i very vividly remember hearing and seeing the video for bad as they seem in my parents living room late one night on mtv. my life changed then. i had always been a sucker for sad-bastard music feasting on the sounds of neil young and cracker (at the time), but hayden did it for me.

i had the pleasure of meeting hayden at newby's bar in memphis, tn in the spring of 2002 (i think). we drove all the way from college in central louisiana and it was truly an amazing experience. he visited with us for a bit, signed some things, and even let us record the show. i actually have a copy on vhs. i have thought about getting it converted into digital; i just haven't yet.

growing up and old waiting on the next album to drop every 5 years or so, hayden's music has almost been a soundtrack for my life. bearing his heart to the world regarding troubles with love, his innermost feelings, and most recently the truths of fatherhood my life accidentally on purpose echos the things he sings about. the best part about being a fan...when someone asks who my favorite musician is and my answer is “hayden”… seeing the look on their faces and getting tell people about him.

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